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Tot mai multe animale de companie sunt otrăvite cu droguri periculoase

Animalele de companie au ajuns și ele victimele stilului de viață toxic al stăpînilor. Un studiu recent a dezvăluit că sunt tot mai multe cazuri de otrăvire accidentală cu droguri precum cocaina și metamfetamina.

The main idea of the text is that there is a rising problem of accidental poisoning in pets due to the increased use of illegal drugs by their owners. The article highlights several key points: * Increased cases: More and more pets are being poisoned by drugs like cocaine and methamphetamines. * Correlation with drug use: This rise in pet poisonings is linked to the growing use of illicit substances among humans. * Affected animals: Primarily dogs and cats are affected, with cocaine posing a greater risk to cats and methamphetamines to dogs. * Geographic impact: The situation is especially severe in the western and southern regions of the US. * Severity of exposure: Even minimal exposure to these drugs can be extremely harmful to animals. * Precautionary measures: The article stresses the importance of keeping drugs and other dangerous substances securely stored away from pets and being vigilant for any unusual behavior. The article aims to raise awareness about this serious issue and encourage pet owners to take necessary precautions to protect their animals.

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